Publications including books, research papers and journal articles

The field guide to citizen science
This hands-on guide to citizen science details how ordinary people can participate in scientific research and help change the world in meaningful ways.
Citizen Science Association (2014)
Citizen science: theory and practice
An open-access, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on advancing the global field of citizen science by providing a venue for citizen science researchers and practitioners to share best practices in conceiving, developing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining projects that facilitate public participation in scientific endeavours in any discipline.
Follett, R, & Strezov, V (2015)
An analysis of citizen science based research: usage and publication patterns
A broad analysis of peer reviewed papers on citizen science, that included not only citizen science projects, but the theory and methods developed to underpin the research, that highlights the breadth and depth of the citizen science approach and encourages cross-fertilisation between different disciplines.
Possingham, H (2021)
Power to the people: the case for citizen science
In this Griffith Review essay, Possingham explores the ways in which citizen scientists immerse themselves in the task of garnering knowledge and asking questions, and connects that with the possibility that, as a result, these are people who are far more likely to demand, and engage in, participatory democracy. He argues this is crucial to any hope of achieving equity and any possibility of achieving sustainable environmental change.
Roger, E, Tegart, P, Dowsett, R, Kinsela, M. A, Harley, M. D, & Ortac, G (2020)
Maximising the potential for citizen science in New South Wales
A general overview of citizen science and some of the opportunities and challenges associated with its rapid growth, with a focus on Australia. Using case studies of successful citizen science projects in New South Wales the authors demonstrate how citizen science has the potential to provide a monumental shift in our ability to monitor the environment while simultaneously increasing understanding and trust in science within the broader community.